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BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak visits CEI HQ

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Igor Crnadak paid a visit to the CEI HQ on 27 April.
After a welcome speech by CEI Alternate Secretary General, Amb. Margot Klestil-Loeffler, the Minister shortly briefed the executives and the staff of the CEI Secretariat about the CEI Presidency activities, highlighting key priorities such as promotion of interconnectivity, sustainable development and intercultural cooperation.
Among the major events of the Presidency, the Minister focused on the international conference organised by the CEI in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Trieste on 19 May, dedicated to opportunities for SMEs in the framework of the 'New Silk Road Initiative'. In particular, the Minister highlighted the importance of supporting the development of SMEs in BiH and, more in general, in the CEI region and welcomed the possibility of involving the business community of BiH in the conference.
The Minister also reported on the organisation of the upcoming meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of CEI Member States, in Banja Luka on 16 June, and informed that high-level attendance  was foreseen.
The meeting of the CEI Parliamentary Committee in Sarajevo on 31 May-1 June as well as the meeting of the Presidents of the Chambers of Commerce , to be held in Vienna on 12 September, were also highlighted.
After the meeting at the CEI HQ, Minister Crnadak paid a visit to the mayor of Trieste, Roberto Cosolini
The day before, Minister Crnadak had held a meeting in Rome with the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Paolo Gentiloni
  • Press Release of BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs available here


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