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KEP ITALY: FUELPAGE project screening visit for strengthening fuel quality monitoring practices in Serbia

On 7-8 March 2016 a screening visit took place in Belgrade within the FUELPAGE project aimed at strengthening fuel quality monitoring practices in Serbia, through the exchange of experience and know-how with peer institutions in the Czech Republic.
Familiarising beneficiary institutions in Serbia with Czech and EU experiences in fuel-quality monitoring-system implementation shall favourably contribute to carrying out initial assessments and adaptations of the fuel quality monitoring framework in the country and ultimately an effective implementation of relevant EU standards and legislation. The implementation of the national mineral fuel-quality monitoring activities in Serbia started on 1 December 2015, thus the screening visit and project activities are well-timed, as the beneficiary institutions in Serbia are simultaneously gaining first experiences and encountering practical queries for effective monitoring activities.
Representatives of project know-how providers, the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, the Prague and Czech Association of Petroleum Industry and Trade, began the screening visit with a meeting at the Serbian Ministry of Mining and Energy, as responsible authority for the adoption of legislation in the field of fuel quality monitoring, as well as legislation related to the quality of petroleum products. As the supervision of implementation of fuel quality monitoring is carried out by the ministry in charge of energy and the ministry in charge of trade, the visit continued with a meeting with the Market Inspection of the Serbian Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, where the Czech fuel quality monitoring system was presented to the project Working Group and the market inspectors with specialisation in inspection of quality of petroleum products. The visit ended with meetings with SGS Serbia, the accredited company selected for rendering fuel marking and monitoring services in cooperation with state authorities and companies.
The topics of highest interest raised during the meetings strongly contributed to understanding the needs of Serbian partners and will be used as a basis for preparing the first project capacity-building training taking place in Serbia in May, and further adapting the content of project activities towards the needs of Serbian beneficiary institutions. The project deliverables are tailored towards strengthening the efficiency of the fuel quality monitoring system in Serbia, cutting down illegal sales of petroleum products and contributing to the fight against grey economy.
The project is jointly implemented by the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (as main know-how provider) in cooperation with the Czech Association of Petroleum Industry and Trade, and the beneficiary organizations in Serbia - the Market Inspection of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of Serbia (as main beneficiary), the Ministry of Mining and Energy of Serbia, the National Petroleum Committee of Serbia – World Petroleum Council and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Belgrade.
   *** FUELPAGE is co-financed in the framework of the CEI Know-How Exchange Programme (KEP Italy), sponsored by the CEI Fund at the EBRD entirely financed by Italy. The CEI grant amounts to 17,445 EUR out of a total project cost of 48,100 EUR.


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