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Briefing of BiH Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak with Ambassadors of CEI countries

Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Igor Crnadak held a briefing with the Ambassadors of CEI Member States.

The meeting, held in East Sarajevo on 15 March, aimed at presenting the priorities of the CEI Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2016 as well as the main planned activities.

The Minister informed the Ambassadors that under the BiH CEI Presidency the meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the CEI Member States would be held in June in Banja Luka. In that context, the Presidency will convene a special meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Western Balkan countries (WB6). During the year, meetings of the CEI National Coordinators and of the CEI Parliamentary Dimension as well as other expert meetings will also take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Minister Crnadak reported about the latest developments regarding the European integration of BiH and on that occasion requested the support of the EU Member States for further progress of BiH.


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