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KEP AUSTRIA: beginning of project “Heroes and she-roes: knowledge for analysis of and advocacy for equal pay for women and mothers in Macedonia”

The project know-how provider from Austria, the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) and the Macedonian know-how recipient, the Finance Think - Economic Research & Policy Institute, Skopje met in Vienna on 21-22 December for the kick-off meeting of the project “Heroes and she-roes: knowledge for analysis of and advocacy for equal pay for women and mothers in Macedonia (SHE-ROES)”.

Participants discussed the details of the activities of the project covering three main actions: professional development thorough capacity building and direct knowledge transfer; collaborative research; building networks for advocacy; promotion and collaboration beyond the project cycle.

The project - supported by the CEI Know-how Exchange Programme (KEP) AUSTRIA with 40.000 EUR- aims at correctly measuring gender pay gaps (difference in wages between men and women) and motherhood pay gaps (difference in wages between mothers and childless women) in Macedonia as well as at advocating solutions for addressing them.

According to previous research, Macedonia faces gender and motherhood wage gaps of 12.5% and 8.7%, respectively. A large part of females remains outside the labour market and cannot be considered when the pay gap is calculated (as their wage is not observed). This makes the above figures incorrect, since it is likely that females outside the labour market are not randomly selected as non working. A main objective is to obtain sufficient knowledge for a proper calculation of pay gaps, i.e. econometric (technical) knowledge to address the selectivity bias in the labour market.

The Project will be running until March 2017. ***
The KEP AUSTRIA - part of CEI Know-how Exchange Programme - is financed by Austria, with funding provided by the Austrian Development Cooperation (based on an agreement between the Central European Initiative and Austrian Development Agency). The Programme aims at promoting capacity building and technical assistance through know-how transfer from CEI EU to CEI non-EU Member States.
  • More information available here

Video on the gender wage gap in Macedonia through the perspectives of 5 women.

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