Within the Know-how Exchange Programme - AUSTRIA Call for Proposals 2015, five project proposals were approved by the CEI Committee of National Coordinators on 14 October 2015. The total KEP grant amounts to around 166.000 EUR and the total project cost to about 380.000 EUR. These activities have been selected among 96 applications which have undergone a two-step evaluation procedure:
LCA – GHG emissions of RES production and utilization in Serbia (RESEnviro), with Austria as know-how provider (BOKU University) and Serbia as recipient (University of Novi Sad), aims at increasing the research capacilites of institutions and experts in Serbia for measuring the environmental impact of renewable energy sources (RES), through the life-cycle assessment (LCA), an evaluation tool utilised by many research institutions throughout Europe. Special attention will be paid to biomass, one of Serbia’s main RES through activities such as: procurement of appropriate software toll for LCA analysis; training for conducting LCA studies; conducted LCA studies of biomass production and utilisation pathway in the form of biogas in Serbia.
“Heroes and she-roes”: Knowledge for analysis of and advocacy for equal pay for women and mothers in Macedonia (SHE-ROES), where Austria acts as know-how provider (The Vienna Institute of International Economic Studies, Vienna), will focus on instructing the Macedonian recipient (Association for economic research, advocacy and policymaking “Finance Think” Skopje) to correctly measure gender pay gaps (difference in wages between men and women) and motherhood pay gaps (difference in wages between mothers and childless women) in Macedonia.
Reduce energy use and change habits (REACH) focuses on energy poverty abatement at practical and structural level through tailor-made policies and measures. The Slovenian Know-how provider (Focus) will carry out capacity building, transfer of know-how and best practices to the main partner in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Centar za ekologiju I energiju) and to additional partners in Serbia and Montenegro (NGO Fractal and NVO Zeleni dom respectively).
Leap forward with flexible and appropriate wastewater solutions in Moldova (WaterLEAP) aims at supporting the exchange of best practices between the Moldovan know how recipient (Basin Water Management Authority) and the Romanian donor institution (Business Development Group) on asset management to water authorities providing information on how to optimise decision-making in all lifecycle phases of wastewater treatment.
Establishing Methodology for the Development of CE Application for Directive on Machinery (MEDOCE) will transfer knowledge, best practices and specific expertise accumulated during the EU accession process on the CE marking from the know-how provider, the Austrian Austrian Economic Chamber to Serbia (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia). The project targets lack of capacities of SMEs to adapt to challenging EU rules on marketing certain set of products (CE marking requirements).
The KEP AUSTRIA - part of CEI Know-how Exchange Programme - is financed by Austria, with funding provided by the Austrian Development Cooperation (based on an agreement between the Central European Initiative and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). Since 2008 it has committed around 900.000,00 EUR for 31 Projects. The Programme aims at promoting capacity building and technical assistance through know-how transfer from CEI EU to CEI non-EU Member States.
LCA – GHG emissions of RES production and utilization in Serbia (RESEnviro), with Austria as know-how provider (BOKU University) and Serbia as recipient (University of Novi Sad), aims at increasing the research capacilites of institutions and experts in Serbia for measuring the environmental impact of renewable energy sources (RES), through the life-cycle assessment (LCA), an evaluation tool utilised by many research institutions throughout Europe. Special attention will be paid to biomass, one of Serbia’s main RES through activities such as: procurement of appropriate software toll for LCA analysis; training for conducting LCA studies; conducted LCA studies of biomass production and utilisation pathway in the form of biogas in Serbia.
“Heroes and she-roes”: Knowledge for analysis of and advocacy for equal pay for women and mothers in Macedonia (SHE-ROES), where Austria acts as know-how provider (The Vienna Institute of International Economic Studies, Vienna), will focus on instructing the Macedonian recipient (Association for economic research, advocacy and policymaking “Finance Think” Skopje) to correctly measure gender pay gaps (difference in wages between men and women) and motherhood pay gaps (difference in wages between mothers and childless women) in Macedonia.
Reduce energy use and change habits (REACH) focuses on energy poverty abatement at practical and structural level through tailor-made policies and measures. The Slovenian Know-how provider (Focus) will carry out capacity building, transfer of know-how and best practices to the main partner in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Centar za ekologiju I energiju) and to additional partners in Serbia and Montenegro (NGO Fractal and NVO Zeleni dom respectively).
Leap forward with flexible and appropriate wastewater solutions in Moldova (WaterLEAP) aims at supporting the exchange of best practices between the Moldovan know how recipient (Basin Water Management Authority) and the Romanian donor institution (Business Development Group) on asset management to water authorities providing information on how to optimise decision-making in all lifecycle phases of wastewater treatment.
Establishing Methodology for the Development of CE Application for Directive on Machinery (MEDOCE) will transfer knowledge, best practices and specific expertise accumulated during the EU accession process on the CE marking from the know-how provider, the Austrian Austrian Economic Chamber to Serbia (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia). The project targets lack of capacities of SMEs to adapt to challenging EU rules on marketing certain set of products (CE marking requirements).
- List of apporved projects available here
The KEP AUSTRIA - part of CEI Know-how Exchange Programme - is financed by Austria, with funding provided by the Austrian Development Cooperation (based on an agreement between the Central European Initiative and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). Since 2008 it has committed around 900.000,00 EUR for 31 Projects. The Programme aims at promoting capacity building and technical assistance through know-how transfer from CEI EU to CEI non-EU Member States.