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Four approved KEP AUSTRIA projects start implementation phase

Within the KEP AUSTRIA Call 2014, four project proposals were approved by the CEI Committee of National Coordinators in October 2014 with a total CEI grant amounting to 186.000 EUR and a total project cost of 381.309 EUR. These activities - selected among 117 applications which have undergone a two-step evaluation procedure - have recently started their implementation phase:
AIM @ INNOVATIONS - Innovation Management for SMEs and start-ups, with Austria as know-how provider (Brianplus), aims at strengthening the capacities of the Macedonian main partner (Knowledge Center Consultancy) by enhancing the knowledge and skills of trainers/educators in Innovation Management for SMEs, start-ups and spinoffs;

Innovation stimulation for Moldovan SMEs in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energies – CEI-ener2i-MD, where Austria acts as know-how provider (Centre for Social Innovation), will focus on raising awareness within the Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer and the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises Sector Development in Moldova on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. It will support SMEs(including start-ups and spin-offs), through the implementation of a specific voucher system, while strengthening their overall administrative capacity;

The project Development of the business ICT incubator in Gradiška focuses on capacity building, transfer of know-how and best practices to the Municipality of Gradiška in Bosnia and Herzegovina in business incubator development and management. The Know-how provider is a Slovenian organisation – Institute of Advanced Technology and Communications Murska Sobota – with ample experience in networking, capacity building and international project management and cluster developement;

New Micro-credit Scheme to women empowerment aims at supporting the exchange of best practices between the Albanian know how recipient (fondiBesa sh.a) and the Italian donor institution (L.V.I.A - Lay Volunteers International Association). Capacity building and training programmes will focus on how to target and serve women entrepreneurs through the creation of a micro-credit scheme.
The KEP AUSTRIA - part of CEI Know-how Exchange Programme - is financed by Austria, with funding provided by the Austrian Development Cooperation (based on an agreement between the Central European Initiative and Austrian Development Agency).
The Programme aims at promoting capacity building and technical assistance through know-how transfer from CEI EU to CEI non-EU Member States.

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