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KEP ITALY Project: “Renewable Energy Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Albania and in Bosnia–Herzegovina” launches environmental awareness campaign

In the framework of the project “Renewable Energy Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Albania and in Bosnia–Herzegovina”, an awareness campaign for communities and municipalities has been launched in Albania, focusing on energy conservation, renewable energy and environmental protection.
Among other activities and in order to enhance the visibility of the campaign, a spot was launched on the Albanian TV, promoting environmental protection through every day energy and water savings. The spot will run for two months, 10 – 15 times a day. Additionally, 6000 coasters, 6000 leaflets in Albanian and English and 5000 awareness postcards will be distributed in bars, public offices, universities, libraries, etc.  
The project is sponsored by the Know-How Exchange Programme (KEP) financed by the CEI Fund at the EBRD, contributed by Italy. Out of the total cost of the project (89.737 EUR), the CEI support amounts to 39.110 EUR.


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