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KEP Italy: 2nd workshop of ENIGMA project successfully held in Prague

Nine scientific contributions were presented during the second workshop of the project “ENvironmental Impact assessment of the Kozuf metalloGenic district in southern MAcedonia in relation to groundwater resources, surface waters, soils and socio-economic consequences  (ENIGMA)”, successfully held in Prague on 16 May 2014.

The presented scientific works dealt with topics such as major metallic deposits, geochemistry, data processing of geochemical data, landslide hazard factors, transport pathways and health risks of heavy metals in groundwater and principles of integrated water resources management within the project area.

The workshop was organised by the Project Leader and main know-how provider, GIS-GEOINDUSTRY, s.r.o., in close cooperation with the Project Partner and main beneficiary, the Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, University „Goce Delčev“ – Štip, Macedonia.

This project was co-financed by the CEI Fund at the EBRD (contributed by Italy) in the framework of the CEI Know-How Exchange Programme (KEP). The CEI support amounts to 38.000 EUR, out of the total project cost of 78.000 EUR. The activity started in January 2013 and will run until August 2014.
The scientific programme of the workshop was complemented by non-formal round table discussions, which resulted in the confirmation of the willingness of both partners to cooperate on joint projects in the future. The Director of the geological department and member of the GIS-GEOINDUSTRY Executive Board, Pavel Míšek and the co-owner of GIS-GEOINDUSTRY, and experienced expert in the  Balkan countries, Tomáš Hájek, actively participated in the discussions.

In addition, the workshop summarised and evaluated the results of the project activities during October 2013 – April 2014.

The KEP ITALY (CEI Fund at the EBRD) Call for Proposals 2014 is officially open.
Deadline for applications: 15 July 2014

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