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KEP Italy: Belarusian officials in Turin and Trieste for advanced trainings on territorial management

In the framework of the project “Application of open source software and methods for territorial analysis and sustainable use of natural resources in Belarus” two advanced training sessions for Belarusian officials were held in Turin (1-4 April 2014) and Trieste (7-10 April 2014).

The project is financed by the CEI Fund at the EBRD - contributed by Italy in the framework of the Know-How Exchange Programme - which is an instrument co-financing projects focused on the transfer of know-how and best practices from EU to non-EU CEI Member States. Out of the total cost of 66.250 EUR, the CEI support amounts to 31.250 EUR.

The training sessions in Trieste and Turin were organised by the University of Trieste (Italy) with the support of the Consortium for Information Systems - CIS (Italy). Representatives of important Belarusian scientific institutions, the main beneficiaries of the project, attended the training events. In particular, the Belarusian Research Geological Exploration Institute, the Belarusian State University (BSU) and the Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources were involved.

The main objective of the project is to transfer analytical open source know-how for territorial management and sustainable use of natural resources to the Belarusian institutions, in particular to the field of environmental management, agriculture and energy. this is carried out through free available tools (software) and knowledge (training on application, assistance on development of proper projects).

The advanced training session held in Trieste focused on the techniques of remote sensing for environmental purposes, presented by the University of Trieste and CIS. The experts from the Belarusian beneficiary institutions delivered presentations on the oil pollution of quaternary deposits in Belarus, spatial analysis of structural cities' transformation (Minsk case study) and modelling ecological corridors for the regional ecological network.

The session in Turin focused on GIS mapping and spatial analysis, presented by the CSI. Representatives from Belarus delivered presentations on the use of GIS for geo-environmental assessment of natural resources in lake geosystems and GIS-mapping and assessment of geomorphological risk in Belarus.

This project is a follow-up from a previous CEI-KEP Italy project on “Development of decision support systems for integrated water management in Belarus” (2009-2010), carried out by the University of Trieste.

The current project started on 1 January 2013, and will last until 30 April 2014.

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