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SEEMORE Transfer Workshop: exchange of good practices on sustainable mobility for tourists

The third SEEMORE Transfer Workshop took place in Cesenatico (Provincia Forlì-Cesena, Italy) on 4 April 2014. Organised by the CEI within the framework of the SEEMORE Project, the workshop gathered all SEEMORE Partners as well as local stakeholders and external guests active in the fields of mobility and tourism.

During the workshop, the eight SEEMORE demonstrator regions presented their most successful actions undertaken within the project aimed at enhancing the use of sustainable transport modes by tourists. Sustainable mobility tourist guides, targeted awareness campaigns, specific cooperation schemes with hotels and other stakeholders of the tourism industry represent the core of the SEEMORE activities. The SEEMORE regions had the opportunity to exchange experience and good practices, in order to facilitate the transfer of the most successful approaches during the summer of 2014.

The external participants included, among others, representatives of the tourist office of the municipality of Cesenatico, representatives of the regional public transport operator “START Romagna” and guests from the municipality of Ravenna, invited at the event thanks to cooperation relations established between SEEMORE and the BUMP (Boosting Urban Mobility Plans) Project.

All external participants shared ideas and opinions on the project activities, helping in better adapting the project actions to local needs.

Participants expressed deep interest in the topic and satisfaction for the fruitful exchange of information at the event. The CEI is currently organising a SEEMORE Central European Transfer Seminar in Romania on October 2014, in order to disseminate the successful approaches and innovative measures undertaken within SEEMORE to tourist regions in Central and Eastern Europe.
  *** The SEEMORE (Sustainable and Energy Efficient Mobility Options in tourist Regions in Europe) project, co-funded by the EU programme Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE), aims at improving the offer of sustainable transport modes for tourists in eight European coastal tourist regions, as well as to transfer the successful approaches in this field to other touristic regions in Europe. The project lasts until March 2015 and has an overall budget of EUR 1.974.225.

For more information:– – 


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