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Renewable Energy Sources in Belarus: Capacity Building Project financed by Italy through CEI Fund at the EBRD

The development and investment plans related to renewable energy sources in Belarus were presented during a press conference held on 6 November within the framework of the International Fair “Ecomondo” . Specialised journalists and potential investors attending the event had the opportunity to meet the representatives of BREA, the Belarusian Renewable Energy Association.
This event was one of the several marketing activities related to a capacity building project financed by the CEI Fund at the EBRD with the aim of transferring know-how to BREA in order to strengthen its capacity, its local and international influence, and to foster the development of an effective investment framework of the renewable energy sector in Belarus. Thanks to this project, BREA is enhancing its strategic approach, building the capacity of its staff and establishing proactive communication channels towards its private sector members as well as government and public institutions.
The project also aims at improving the commitment of the Belarusian government in technology and innovation as well as at expanding international links between domestic and foreign organisations working in the field of renewable energy sources and related services.
This project is part of EBRD's operations in Belarus aimed at fostering policy dialogue in the country, thus enabling the implementation of structural reforms, which support private sector development and improve the country’s investment climate.
For more information:
For EBRD's operations in Belarus:

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