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ANSA New Europe Web Portal presented in Trieste. For EC Vice President Viviane Reding "it is a gift not only for Italy but also for Europe"

The ANSA New Europe Web Portal was officially presented yesterday, 16 September, in Trieste at the seat of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia with the EC Vice President Viviane Reding, the European Affairs Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi, CEI Secretary General Ambassador Giovanni Caracciolo di Vietri, the President of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia Debora Serracchiani, and ANSA editor in chief, Luigi Contu. The event took place in the framework of the final event of the "Citizens' Dialogue" initiative promoted by the European Commission.   “It’s a gift not only for Italy, but also for Europe” said EC Vice President Reding "European citizens want a Europe of solidarity and greater communication, they want to understand and to be understood". Ambassador Caracciolo recalled the CEI support to projects, such as the ANSA web portal, which highly contribute to promoting the quality of journalism and ensuring the access of citizens to information.   At the margins of the event, a meeting among CEI, ANSA and several news agencies from Croatia, Poland, Serbia and Slovenia took place at the CEI HQs in order to explore possible ways of cooperation in the framework of joint projects, possibly financed by the EU.    For more information: ANSA New Europe      

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