EDITS 2nd Project Management Team Meeting took place in Budapest, Hungary on June26th 2013. The meeting was attended by the leaders of the main actions with the focus on the current state of the art and next steps to be implemented. This concerned mainly the state of the art analysis concerning the existing data modeling methodologies, systems and services, screening of relevant standards, legal frameworks and of project results. Moreover, EDITS partners defined the user needs and services to be provided consequently.
Currently, partners are working on the setup of regional and trans-national demonstration sites and on the EDITS GIS and interface for the exchange of interregional and transnational exchange of information and the provision of end-user services. With this aim, several bilateral meetings have been held and the need for smaller working group emerged. The working groups will have a specific focus and goal, more specifically: GIS, Public Transport and Organisational and legal aspects. The latter group will focus on the elaboration of a Memorandum of Understanding for cross-border exchange of data and information which can be also used for defining conditions for exchanged data and legal aspects.