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SEEMORE Project meeting in Palma de Mallorca: opportunity for transfer of experience in tourism and transport

The EU-supported project  SEEMORE (Sustainable and Energy Efficient Mobility Options in tourist Regions in Europe)  aims at showing that regional actors in 8 European coastal tourist regions are able to change the travel behaviour of their visitors towards more sustainable transport modes. Since transport and tourism are strictly inter-related, if an increase in transport is not properly managed, it can reduce the attractiveness of a tourism destination.

During the third SEEMORE Consortium meeting, held in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) on 7-8 May 2013, the CEI – which is one of the project partners – organised a Transfer Workshop which offered the opportunity to exchange experience regarding actions for improving public transport services reaching tourist attractions and for making transport information available to tourists.      By participating in this project, the CEI also wishes to transfer best practices to tourist regions in CEI EU and non-EU countries. To this end, the first SEEMORE Central European Transfer Seminar will be held in Trieste in September, gathering representatives from tourist regions of CEI countries.

Local and regional tourism and transport stakeholders from tourism regions, towns and localities from CEI countries interested in participating in the SEEMORE Central European Transfer Seminar in Trieste in autumn 2013 can contact:
  ***   SEEMORE is financed by the EU Programme IEE (Intelligent Energy Europe) with an overall budget of 1.974.225 EUR. Launched in March 2012, the project will last 36 months.

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