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Workshop on Research and Innovation in Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion in Trieste

The Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, together with the Central European Initiative (CEI) and the Synchrotron Elettra Laboratory, organised in Trieste (15 March 2013) a Workshop on Prospects for Cooperation in Scientific Research and Innovation in the Adriatic-Ionian Region. The event was inaugurated by Governor, Renzo Tondo, who hoped that the Macroregion could enhance wider cooperation among regions in Europe, also thanks to the convinced role in this direction of his own region. Counsellor Andrea Vitolo, Deputy Director at the Unit for Balkan Countries at the Italian Foreign Ministry, who is also Italian Alternate National Coordinator for the CEI and Focal Point for the Adriatic-Ionian Strategy, described the current process which is under way in Brussels towards the institutionalisation of such strategy at European level. In this same context, Mr. Salvo La Rosa from the Ministry of University and Research, confirmed the specific contribution of Italy towards cooperation in the field of Science.   Ambassador Fabio Pigliapoco, Secretary General of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative emphasised the continuing support to the integration process through cooperation in the region by the AII Member Countries. CEI Acting Secretary General, Giorgio Rosso Cicogna, emphasised the role of the CEI as the oldest regional organisation in Eastern Europe, particularly acting as a bridge between different macroregions in which its Member Countries participate, also with some overlapping, which in this case provides useful opportunities for further integration. Recalling the activities of the CEI in the field of Science, promoting innovation and technology transfer, Mr. Rosso Cicogna mentioned a project concept -involving the Centres of Excellence based in Trieste which constitute the CEI S&T Network - which could contribute to the new strategy for Research and Development designed by the World Bank for the Western Balkan Countries, upon request bythe European Commission (DG Enlargement). This pilot project to be implemented in cooperation with the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) of Sarajevo, could significantly contribute to supporting and reviving the scientific communities of South Eastern Europe, and specifically in the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion.   The Regional Minister for International and European Affairs, Elio De Anna, also emphasised the vocation of the scientific institutions based in Friuli Venezia Giulia to support the integration process of the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion and the great opportunities for its overall development.   Finally, several other concrete proposals of cooperation were presented and discussed with representatives of the countries involved in the future relevant Strategy.

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