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CEI Conference on European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation in Budapest

Organised by the Hungarian Presidency 2013 of the Central-European Initiative, a conference is taking place in Budapest (21-22 February 2013) in order to discuss the role of the Approval Authorities in the implementation of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). Special focus is put on the new proposals by the EU Commission aiming at improving this important instrument of regional cooperation in Europe.

The inaugural speech was delivered by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration and Justice, Mr Tibor Navracsics, who emphasised the importance of EGTC for Hungary and Central-Europe on the basis of several successful experiences already involving his country. On the other hand he stressed the need for a prompt reform of the relevant legislation and regulations in order to enable a more active participation of the partners involved in the decision-making process.

At the inaugural session, the CEI Acting Secretary General, Mr. Giorgio Rosso Cicogna, underlined that EGTC as a tool for regional policy could become one of the main political and legal drivers in the implementation of principles of economic and social territorial cohesion, laid down in the Treaty of the European Union. He continued by saying that EGTC could be the best instrument to ensure a stable long-term cooperation between crossborder regions and local authorities. In fact, EGTC as a legal body may operate on both sides of borders in various fields by tendering international bids managing crossborder structures. The resulting advantage could have a tremendous impact on sectors such as infrastructure and local transport, public health (also sharing hospital facilities), energy and scientific research.

Out of over 100 participants, many interventions expressed a common position along these lines, stressing hope for a prompt approval of reforms currently considered by the Commission and Committee of Regions. In order to make EGTC a more efficient instrument, more flexibility and certainty about the timeframe of implementation is needed.

Video of Minister Tibor Navracsics's Speech





 from left: Rosso Cicogna and Novracsics

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