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Promoting Cross-border Territorial Development through Culture and Tourism: the EU-funded Project ECHOS Officially Presented in Gorizia

The ECHOS project, funded under the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013, has been officially presented during a press conference held in Gorizia on 29 January. Attended by local and regional authorities as well as media representatives from Italy and Slovenia, the event offered the opportunity to present the project activities, the expected results and partnership.

The project is jointly promoted by the Associazione Progetto Musica (lead partner), the CEI – Central European Initiative, the Javni Zavod Kulturni Dom Nova Gorica and the Kosovelov Dom Sežana – Kulturni Center Krasa, and will be implemented over a 30-month period with a total budget of 654.905,00 EUR.   The area involved in the project activities includes the provinces of Trieste and Gorizia in Italy and the regions of Goriška and Obalno-kraška in Slovenia.   The core of the project is the organisation of a Cross-border Music Festival, taking place in two editions in 2013 and 2014 and offering a high-level concert programme. In addition, the project foresees the planning of a series of touristic and cultural itineraries linked to the concerts’ locations, in order to combine the music experience with the discovery of cultural heritage and local traditions. This way, the project will contribute to fostering the tourist potential and the social and economic development of the whole cross-border area.   The cross-border ensembles meant to perform at the Festival’s concerts will include young Italian and Slovenian musicians, selected by examiners from the two countries through a call for applications, launched on 31 January with a deadline on 15 March 2013. Benefitting from a grant, the selected young talents will have the opportunity to participate in two cross-border summer schools in Italy and Slovenia. In addition to jointly playing the pieces to be performed during the concerts, the musicians will have the valuable opportunity to enrich their technical knowledge and experience through exchanges with their colleagues from the neighbouring country, making a significant step forward in their professional path.   The CEI is one the project partners and is responsible for the communication and promotion of the activities. Special focus is put on the dissemination of the model to other cross-border areas in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe, especially considering the richness of this area in terms of cultural heritage.   For information:  







Welcome session with authorities


Representatives of project partnership

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