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ADRIA A Project: 4th Steering Committee Organised by CEI

The Central European Initiative, Lead Partner of the ADRIA A Project – Accessibility and Development for the
Relaunch of the Inner Adriatic Area – organised the 4th Steering Committee of the project on 23 October 2012 at the CEI headquarters.

ADRIA A, funded under the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Italy – Slovenia 2007-2013, aims at contributing to the accessibility and transport reorganisation in the entire cross-border area, by implementing an integrated Italian – Slovene metropolitan transport area and strengthening the links between cities. The project foresees, in particular, the planning of the Gorizia-Nova Gorica-Vrtojba line together with the electrification of the Nova Gorica-Sezana line and the railroad connection between Trieste and Koper.   The meeting witnessed the participation of local, Italian and Slovenian authorities. Participants welcomed by the Councillor of the Province of Trieste Vittorio Zollia, were provided with past, on-going and future activities of the Project.
The Mayor of the Municipality of Šempeter Vrtojba underlined his satisfaction with the results achieved by the project so far and stressed the importance of connecting the harbour in the Northern Adriatic in view of the future European transport planning.   The core part of the event was represented by the presentation delivered  by Italy’s Railway company RTI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana), external experts of the project partner and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region explaining the interim report produced so far for the planning of the missing railway links, in particular on the Italian side. The presentation was followed by the adoption of the results by the Steering Committee.   Information regarding  the possible train stops along the metropolitan ring was also provided along with updated information on the on-going activities in the 3rd work package: transport and tourism.   The next ADRIA A Steering Committee is envisaged to take place in December 2012 and will be organised by the Italian Ministry of Environment.   For further information please visit: or write to      

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