A delegation from 4 Municipalities from Serbia (Smederevo, Užice, Novi Kneževac, and Knjaževac) participated in a study tour in Slovenia, on 24-26 May 2012, organised within the Project “System of Harmless Disposal of Animal Waste in 4 Municipalities in Serbia”, financed by the CEI within its KEP AUSTRIA programme.
The participants visited the facility for the local / regional collection of animal by-products in Murska Sobota, in order to demonstrate methods of collection of animal waste Category 1 and Category 2. A visit to the plant of KOTO d.o.o. in Ljubljana was also organised, where the methods of processing animal by-products collected from all over Slovenia were illustated. The project is implemented by KOTO d.o.o., the company which has the largest capacity in Slovenia for collecting, processing and trading with animal by-products, fats, oils, and other biological waste. The goal of the project “System of harmless disposal of animal waste in 4 municipalities in Serbia” is to create the conditions for rational, feasible and sustainable solutions for animal waste disposal in Serbia, through the promotion of EU norms (legislative), instruments (know-how transfer) and practices (public-private partnership). The total value of the project amounts to 88.060 EUR with a CEI contribution of 32.000 EUR, provided by the Austrian Development Cooperation, though the CEI Know-how Exchange Programme - KEP AUSTRIA. Since 2008, the Austrian government has provided 660.000 EUR in order to assist the CEI non-EU countries on their path towards meeting EU standards and practices. See Project Newsletter For more information: gostisa@cei.int