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CEI Fund at the EBRD: Annual Report 2011 Approved in London

The Central European Initiative (CEI) held its annual Steering Committee meeting on Friday 27 April 2012, at the Headquarters of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London.

The top priority of the meeting, gathering CEI National Coordinators and representatives from the CEI countries at the EBRD Board of Directors, was to approve the budget of the CEI Fund at the EBRD for 2012. Mr Guido Paolucci, Programme Manager of the Office for the CEI Fund at the EBRD, presented the Annual Report outlining the projects and activities supported by the Fund during 2011. The presentation was concluded with the Fund’s financial report for the previous year, and the proposal of the 2012 budget, approved by the Committee. This budget included more than 2 million EUR dedicated to Technical Cooperation (TC) and the Know-how Exchange Programme (KEP), the CEI Fund’s operational programmes, through which it supports transition countries – ODA eligible CEI Member States – in the process of integration with the European Union.

The EBRD presented two of its programmatic initiatives of significant importance to the CEI region: the recently created “Private Sector for Food Security Initiative” and the “Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI)”. The CEI Fund at the EBRD has already contributed significant TC grants towards the SEI and  - through its early adoption of the Initiative -  has helped to shape the Bank’s related instruments.   The accomplishments of the CEI Fund at the EBRD, which have bonded together  the CEI and the EBRD for 20 years, were also highlighted by Bank representatives: Alexander Auboeck, Executive Counsellor, Operational Policies and Richard Jones, Director of the Official Co-financing Unit. Auboeck and Jones both thanked the CEI for its effective partnership and expressed the Bank’s gratitude for the Italian Government’s contribution to the CEI Fund at the EBRD. This contribution has enabled important Bank operations in the CEI region as well as the transfer of transition know-how from more developed countries to the ODA-eligible Member States. Counsellor Elena Sgarbi from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs praised the achievements of the CEI Fund at the EBRD as a success story of the partnership between Italy and the EBRD, and a catalyst for economic stability in Central and Eastern Europe.   Ambassador Gerhard Pfanzelter, CEI Secretary General, concluded the meeting by highlighting the fact that the partnership with the EBRD represented one of the CEI’s main pillars, enabling the Initiative to develop a strong project-oriented dimension.   For more information:

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