On 3 February, the CEI participated in the WIN-ICT final review meeting in Zagreb. The gathering aimed at assessing project results by independent evaluators and the EC Project Officer, who made a thorough appraisal of project outputs and achievements.
The project successfully contributed to the setting up of a stable bilateral policy dialogue platform, to the enhancement of WBC capabilities and to the promotion of WBC excellences with respect to participation in publicly-funded European Research Area programmes, especially the FP7 ICT.
This was achieved through the analysis of the current EU-WBC policy framework and prospects for policy optimization as well as through training, coaching, networking and brokerage events, where around 1000 EU researchers were directly informed about WBC ICT opportunities either through existing networks or personal contacts at dissemination events. These results which were highly appreciated by reviewers.
WINS-ICT is an initiative funded by the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for Research and Technological Development under the ICT theme of the Cooperation Programme. In line with its aims, WINS-ICT succeeded in enhancing cooperation in the field of Science & Technology between the EU and the Western Balkan countries (WBC) by strengthening strategic relations in the field of ICT and promoting the participation of Western Balkan researchers in the FP7 Programme.