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CEI Human Resources Development Forum on "Identifying Barriers of Lifelong Learning and Their Removal"

The CEI Human Resources Development Forum, a long-standing CEI Feature Event,  took place in Prague on 18 – 19 November 2010.

Under the theme “Identifying Barriers of Lifelong Learning and Their Removal”, perfectly in line with the priorities of the CEI Plan of Action 2010 – 2012 in the field of human resources development, the conference was opened by Ms. Miroslava Kopicová, Director of the National Training Fund in Prague (organizer of this event). She explained the concept of lifelong learning development (LLL) with particular attention to its relationship to competitiveness.

On this occasion, participants from CEI Member States, had the opportunity to provide information on the current state of LLL in various CEI countries as well as to create a platform for an exchange of knowledge and experience.

The presentations and discussions helped to identify the main barriers of lifelong learning development in CEI countries: great attention was paid to the need to overcome barriers such as institutional, situational, supply and attitude barriers, as well as to the importance to strongly support education of adults and continuous vocational training in particular.

In this context,  CEI Executive Officer, Tania Pibernik, while outlining CEI activities in the field of HRD, highlighted the need for a “re-tooling of the workforce in order to meet the economic priorities of our Member States and overcome the barriers to learning, such as the cost of education and training and the lack of knowledge about educational and career pathways in particular“.
  The theme of the next conference proposed by the members of the meeting of the Network of CEI focal points for Human Resources Development held on 18 November 2010 (Prague) is: “Incentives Supporting Higher Participation of people in Lifelong Learning, Good Practice Examples”.   For more information:    


 Family photo at meeting of Network of CEI focal points for HRD



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