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CEI Energy Forum on “New Energy for the Planet”

Jointly organized by the “New Energy for Ukraine” Alliance and the CEI, the recently held CEI Energy Forum in Kyiv focused on Renewable Energy Development (RES).

More than 100 participants representing the political, scientific and industrial environment worldwide attended this international conference under the title “New Energy for the Planet”. Biomass and wind-based RES and heat-pump technology were indicated as the most promising RES in Ukraine.

The event, opened by CEI Deputy Secretary General, Mykola Melenevskyi, was a good opportunity for CEI Science and Technology expert, Gianfranco Cicognani to give a presentation on the BIOM-ADRIA Programme. The possibility of establishing strict cooperation with Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova was underlined.

In particular, the forthcoming Conference on “Energy from Biomasses” (Kiev, 14-15 September 2010) could be a good opportunity for the CEI to promote the establishment of a direct connection between Serbia and Ukraine.   This co-operation could represent an important step towards regional co-operation among the CEI member countries belonging to the Western Balkans and the Eastern European sub-regions.
The CEI Presidency to be held by Serbia in 2011 and Ukraine in 2012 could assure the driving force for achieving concrete results in this direction.   For more information:

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