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CEI Delegation Meets EC Officials in Brussels

On 25 May 2010 in Brussels, a CEI delegation led by Amb. Gerhard Pfanzelter took part in a roundtable discussion organized and chaired by Mr. Thierry Bechet from the Directorate General for External Relations.

Five CEI officials and experts had the chance to meet their counterparts from selected DGs such as External Relations, Education and Culture, Enlargement, Environment and Regional Policy. This occasion was particularly useful to illustrate the CEI activities and structures, as well as to establish closer ties with the Commission and explore future opportunities for cooperation. The most important EU-funded projects managed by the CEI were presented in front of an audience willing to learn more about an organisation, the CEI, which could become a reliable and credible partner on specific issues of mutual interest. Backed by its Member States, the CEI will further expand its activities in cooperation with the EU, thus enhancing its impact on the Central and South-East European region.

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